• Tuesday Evenings | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm in the Parish Hall 

    Especially in light of todays world events and circumstances, we recognize that one, life is fragile, and two, we are not in control in the grand scheme of things.  However, God uses situations such as these to somehow reveal His presence with us in the midst of it all.  In the RCIA, our goal is to share the story of a God who loves each of us so intensely, and has created us out of that very love to be in relationship with Him, in His fullness.  So often though, we tend to want God to work on our terms instead of truly meeting Him on His terms.  In this story, God proves His love for us by becoming one with us in history and in our humanity in Jesus Christ, who freely offered himself for our redemption and salvation, and invites us to share in His resurrected life as we all await the fullness of God's recreation, or as scripture says, so that we “may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10) and that His "kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). 

    So, whether you are coming from a background of a different religion or no religion,  or are a baptized Christian from another denomination, RCIA is the place for you!!  Additionally, if you were baptized Catholic, but never attended any type of faith formation, or additional sacramental preparation, this would also possibly apply to you.  The first step is to contact us: 

    Faith Formation: email

    Our sessions are ongoing throughout the year, so you are never "too late" to become a part of RCIA.  

    Each person's journey is unique, as is each person by God's design!    

  • Sometimes we are not ready when our children are infants to commit to the life that Jesus is calling us into.  But now is the time, and we want to make this right with God and for the sake and salvation of our children.  If your child is 7 or above, and is not currently baptized, RCIA is the proper way to prepare them for a life of living as a Disciple of Jesus Christ.  

The Journey of RCIA

What is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which adults are initiated into our Roman Catholic Church.  This process is a journey of continuous conversion and relationship with God and with His Church.  

It draws from the Catechumenal model of the ancient Church, which includes a series of carefully planned stages, 

marked by liturgical rites in the presence of the whole community.  

As with any authentic relationship, deep commitment is a must, 

especially in a day and age that is often at conflict with what we believe as church and what society believes.  

The RCIA process is about allowing our wills to be conformed to God’s will for our lives, 

ultimately, our sanctification, so we might share in His own blessed life. (CCC#1)

For those already Baptized in a Christian tradition, you are still invited into the RCIA sessions and process.  

However, your journey will be a bit different, in that, for one: you are already Baptized, and as Catholics, Baptism is a permanent disposition if done with water and in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  

Stages of the RCIA Journey

"Just Meeting"

Do I want, and/or am I able  

to commit to further study?

What I need to do:

-  Begin attending inquiry sessions

-  Initial Interview with RCIA Director

-  Begin attending Mass

What We Will Do:

-  Help Find a parish sponsor

-  Answer your questions

-  Begin any paperwork needed

    for sacramental issues

    that must be resolved

This period ends with:

- Discernment with the Director

- Rite of Acceptance and Welcome

“Committed relationship”

Who are you and who is the Church?

What I need to do:  

-  Begin attending Catechumenate Sessions

-  Attend Mass and Break Open

-  Ask Questions

-  Complete anynecessary sacramental


What We Will Do:

-  Answer your questions

-  Provide lessons on Catholic belief

     and doctrine

-  Support your faith journey

This period ends with:

-  Discernment with the Director

    and your sponsor

-  Rite of Sending & Rite of Election

    or Call to Continuing Conversion


I'm ready, I just need to prepare

What I need to do:

-  Letting go of the old, 

    allowing God to make new

-  Attend Mass and Break Open

-  Open your heart to prepare to celebrate

    the Sacraments of Initiation

What We Will Do:

-  Answer your questions

-  Provide meaningful experiences

    to prepare for the celebration of

    the Sacrraments

-  Support your faith journey

This period ends with:

- Easter Vigil (Catechumenate/Elect)

- Profession of Faith/Confirmation

   First Communion at a specified time



I'm Catholic, now what?

What I need to do:

-  Continue attending Mystagogy Sessions

-  Attend Mass

-  Ask Questions

-  Get more involved in Parish life

-  Continue feeding your faith

What We Will Do:

-  Answer your questions

-  Support your faith journey

-  Offer opportunities throughout

    the Neophyte year

This period ends with:

- A year after full initiation into the Church

-  Conversion and renewal is lifelong